Lures Aren’t Just For Fishing

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I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Deer live and die by their noses.” While that’s very true, we also know that they procreate by them too. That’s where lures come in. Whether it’s the scent of a doe-in-estrous (a doe ready to be bred) or that of a rutting buck (a buck ready to do the breeding), when used properly and at the right time, the results can make your season. Conversely, spraying scent all over the woods at the wrong time can cause a wary buck that’s been through several rutting seasons to quietly slip off in the opposite direction of your setup. From aerosol sprays and gels to squeeze bottles and drippers, choosing the right lure(s) can be a daunting task. However, you’ve come to the right place! It’s about to get very simple for you, but before you go scenting up the woods, remember to check your local regulations in regards to private and public land, depending on where you’ll be hunting. 

Due to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), some states do not allow natural lures/attractants/scents to be used. The reason for this is that natural scent products, such as doe-in-estrous urine or gland lures, come from real deer that are raised on deer farms, more than likely in a state other than yours. Because of that, there is a risk of CWD being transferred from deer in that state to deer in your state. South Carolina is one state, in particular, that has not seen a case of CWD at the time of this writing (September 2021), so no natural lures can be used. Now, you would think that a state that does not allow natural lures to be used also wouldn’t allow them to be sold, but that’s not case – at least not in South Carolina. So, don’t get tripped up by seeing them sold in stores and think that means you can use them without checking first. Before moving on, there is one caveat that you may find in your state. Such is the case in South Carolina (can you tell which state I reside in?). Here, you may not use natural lures except when taken from a deer that you have legally harvested in South Carolina. That can be very good to know, as there’s nothing quite like the real thing.

Now, if you can’t use natural lures, don’t fear because there are alternatives – and the list seems endless! Remember the daunting part? Again, you’ve come to right place. I’m going to keep it simple and offer up a relatively small number of lure types that I’ve used and that I believe can make a real difference. 

Synthetic Lures

Tink’s #1 Synthetic Doe-P All-Season

Tink’s has got the market when it comes to lures. From early season to the Post-Rut, they’ve got a lure for every stage. Tink’s #1 Synthetic Doe-P All Season is a versatile, synthetic doe urine that can be used starting in the Summer months, all the way through the Winter. Deer are herd animals, so they are more at ease when they know other deer are in the area. Synthetic doe urine can produce a calming effect, bringing deer in just close enough for a shot. The synthetic formula replicates Tink’s natural #1 Doe-P, but is permissible in states that require only the use of synthetic lures. Tink’s #1 can also be used as a cover scent to mask your odor while on stand.

Tink’s #1 Doe-P Synthetic Fogger

Tink’s has brought their famous #1 Doe-P to a fogger, allowing for a greater range of scent dispersal. Tink’s #1 Doe-P Synthetic Fogger can be used starting in the Summer months, all the way through the Winter. Deer are herd animals, so they are more at ease when they know other deer are in the area. Synthetic doe urine can produce a calming effect, bringing deer in just close enough for a shot. The synthetic formula replicates Tink’s natural #1 Doe-P, but is permissible in states that require only the use of synthetic lures. This fogger has an adjustable spray rate, allowing you to release controlled bursts or lock it down for maximum scent dispersal. There is no propellant in this fogger. Just pure synthetic doe urine. Tink’s #1 Doe-P Synthetic Fogger disperses as a mist, so it sticks to everything in its path. 

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Synthetic

When the Rut is in full swing, Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Synthetic is a must-have. It’s perfect for use around primary scrapes, funnels, pinch points and anywhere else bucks are known to cruise. This synthetic version of Tink’s natural Doe-In-Rut simulates the scent of a doe in full estrous, ready to be bred. It’s a smell that a rutting buck can’t resist. This lure should be used where natural lures are prohibited and synthetics are permissible. Be sure to check local regulations for guidelines pertaining to lures/attractants before use.

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Synthetic can be poured on the ground or used in Tink’s PeeFuser Scent Diffuser, which converts the liquid into an irresistible mist for up to 7 hours. It comes with its own unique, .5-ounce bottle of #69. The PeeFuser runs for 30 seconds every 2 minutes while powered on and runs on 3 AAA batteries. 

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Synthetic Gel Stream

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Synthetic Gel Stream is my absolute favorite lure. With a 10-foot stream, it can be sprayed on foliage, waist high limbs and even scrapes, all from your stand. It can also be sprayed along active trails while walking to your setup or on the bottom of your boots as a cover scent. The gel formula stays active longer than its liquid counterparts and reactivates with moisture.

Natural Lures

Tink’s #1 Doe-P Natural

Tink’s #1 Doe-P is a natural, non-estrous doe urine that has been collected from live deer. It’s a versatile lure that can be used starting in the Summer months, all the way through the Winter. Deer are herd animals, so they are more at ease when they know other deer are in the area. Tink’s #1 Doe-P can produce a calming effect, bringing deer in just close enough for a shot. Where natural lures are permissible, use on active scrapes and trails. It also acts as a great cover scent to mask your odor while on stand. 

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut Natural

When the Rut is in full swing and you’re hunting where natural lures are permissible, Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut is a must-have. It’s perfect for use around primary scrapes, funnels, pinch points and anywhere else bucks are known to cruise. Tink’s original #69 Doe-In-Rut is natural doe urine that has been collected from live deer while in estrous. It’s the real deal and rutting bucks can’t resist it. Be sure to check local regulations for guidelines pertaining to lures/attractants before use.

Tink’s #69 Doe-In-Rut can be poured on the ground or used in Tink’s PeeFuser Scent Diffuser, which converts the liquid into an irresistible mist for up to 7 hours. It comes with its own unique, .5-ounce bottle of #69. The PeeFuser runs for 30 seconds every 2 minutes while powered on and runs on 3 AAA batteries.


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